Gyeongsik Yang

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University
Github / Linkedin / Google Scholar


I am an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University. I received my B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. at Korea University in 2015, 2017, and 2019, respectively. In 2018, I interned at Microsoft Research Asia. I worked as a research professor at Korea University. My research interests include operating systems, network systems (network virtualization, datacenter networking, and high-performance network systems), AI systems (distributed deep learning infrastructure), and system performance benchmarking.
I am looking for prospective and enthusiastic graduate students (Ph.D., M.S., and integrated Ph.D/M.S.) and undergradutate interns. See details from our Lab homepage. Please send your CV if you are interested in (


Ph.D. Computer Science and Engineering

Korea University

Advisor: Prof. Chuck Yoo
Dissertation: Programmable Network Virtualization for SDN-based Cloud Systems

MS. Computer and Radio Communications Engineering

Korea University

Advisor: Prof. Chuck Yoo

B.S. Computer Science and Engineering, Business Administration (Double Major)

Korea University

Graduate with Great Honor.

Selected Publications

(excluding papers submitted or under review)


Best Paper Award, IEEE Computer Society

Awarded by the The 33rd Conference on Information Networking for the paper entitled: "TALON: Tenant Throughput Allocation Through Traffic Load-balancing in Virtualized Software-defined Networks"

Top Paper Award, ACM

Awarded by the Cloud-Assisted Networking (CAN) workshop of CoNEXT' 16 for the paper entitled: "AggFlow: Scalable and Efficient Network Address Virtualization in Software Defined Networking"


Open-source softwawre contributor: Libera Network Hypervisor

Lead project contributor of global open-source project in collaboration with Open Networking Foundation Now maintaining OpenVirteX and Libera repositories - which have more than 80 stars

Research Intern. Microsoft Research Asia

Participated in Storage Cloud Project (Networking Research Group)

Mentor: Dr. Yongqiang Xiong and Dr. Peng Cheng

Teaching assistant. COSE322 System Programming, Korea University

Summarized the Networking stack design of operating system
Lectured the training session for Linux networking stack codes